The Flipped Classroom
CUE Rockstar Tahoe- connecting with so many awesome educators in a fabulous location! Jeffrey, one of my first graders shouting, “Hey, someone in Asia is looking at our blog!” when our map lit up. Over the next few days I will be leading workshops with other brilliant educators at CUE Rock Star Lake Tahoe. If you are not familiar with Rock Star, these are small teacher technology camps with 10:1 ratio between participants and facilitators. Over three days the teachers build community around the use of instructional technology tools.
Below are some of the resources that were discussed during the CUE Rockstar Lake Tahoe session about the flipped classroom. Feel free to peruse. If you would like to add resources, simply fill out the form below.
Cue Rock Star Tahoe Lodging | Apps/ResourcesTouchcast Educreations ShowMe Explain Everything Camera Reflector Splashtop Edmodo MyBigCampus | TweepsMath Crystal Kirch Social Studies Karl LS (Sorry, Karl) English Language Arts Cheryl Morrs Chemistry Ramsey Musallam |
Cue Rock Star Tahoe Hotels
CUE Rock Star Teacher CampThe Camp for Emerging Rock Star TeachersJoin us and change the way you teach!