Registry Editor Windows Server 2012


Registry Tool is a centralized OFFLINE Windows registry editor and Windows registry editor utility capable of remote registry administration, registry repair, maintenance, analysis, cleaning, compare, and recovery / restore operations on the Windows 95 registry, Windows 98 registry, Windows ME registry, Windows NT 4.0 registry, Windows 2000 registry, Windows XP registry, Windows Vista registry. I made changes in time/date format from regedit in windows server 2012R2. But its is reflecting to only current user which we made changes. When we login to another user its not reflecting for him. When we check in registry its is the same as we made changes. How to get into regedit in Windows Server 2012. April 4, 2014 Cloud Server Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting Windows. Log into your dedicated or cloud server as administrator. Point to: Bottom right corner. Click on: Search (The magnifying glass icon) Under: Search (Apps) Type: Regedit.

The registry editor for the 3.1/95 series of operating systems is RegEdit.exe and for Windows NT it is RegEdt32.exe; the functionalities are merged in Windows XP. Optional and/or third-party tools similar to RegEdit.exe are available for many Windows CE versions. Registry Editor allows users to perform the following functions. 1) Login to your server via Remote Desktop. 2) To launch the Window registry editor in Windows server 2008 R2, go to Start– Run. Type regedit in the open session and click enter. To launch Registry Editor in Windows Server 2012 R2, press Windows key + R. Type regedit in opened session and enter.

Registry Editor Windows Server 2012Windows

Windows Registry audit permissions must be configured on each Windows server you want to audit so that the “Who” and “When” values are reported correctly for each change. For test environment, PoC or evaluation you can use automatic audit configuration. If you want to configure Windows Registry manually, follow the instructions below.

The following audit permissions must be set to 'Successful' for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM and HKEY_USERS.DEFAULT keys:

  • Set Value
  • Create Subkey
  • Delete
  • Write DAC
  • Write Owner

Perform one of the following procedures depending on the OS version:

  1. On your target server, open Registry Editor: navigate to Start Run and type 'regedit'.

  2. In the registry tree, expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key, right-click SOFTWARE and select Permissions from the pop-up menu.

  3. In the Permissions for SOFTWARE dialog, click Advanced.

  4. In the Advanced Security Settings for SOFTWARE dialog, select the Auditing tab and click Add.

  5. Select the Everyone group.
  6. In the Auditing Entry for SOFTWARE dialog, select 'Successful' for the following access types:

    • Set Value
    • Create Subkey
    • Delete
    • Write DAC
    • Write Owner
  7. Repeat the same steps for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM and HKEY_USERS.DEFAULT keys.

  1. On your target server, open Registry Editor: navigate to Start Run and type 'regedit'.

  2. In the registry tree, expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key, right-click SOFTWARE and select Permissions from the pop-up menu.

  3. In the Permissions for SOFTWARE dialog, click Advanced.

  4. In the Advanced Security Settings for SOFTWARE dialog, select the Auditing tab and click Add.

  5. Click Select a principal link and specify the Everyone group in the Enter the object name to select field.
  6. Set Type to 'Success' and Applies to to 'This key and subkeys'.
  7. Click Show advanced permissions and select the following access types:

    • Set Value
    • Create Subkey
    • Delete
    • Write DAC
    • Write Owner
  8. Repeat the same steps for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM and HKEY_USERS.DEFAULT keys.

Registry Editor In Windows Server 2012

NOTE: Using Group Policy for configuring registry audit is not recommended, as registry DACL settings may be lost.