Hello and thank you for taking time to read my post. I have been without a computer for over a year now. Juring this time I have been busy painting my Orks for Warhammer 40k. I now plan to share my hobby with people online. I am also working on some battle reports and painting/building videos.
I mainly play a big 5000+ point game once a month. I have three good friends that come over to game with me. They all have a good mix of armies ranging from Tau,GreyKnights and Chaos. I have my own table and terrain that i use. Alot of which i am in the middle painting up for my battle reports.
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The Last Stand, a free online Action game brought to you by Armor Games. Survive the night fighting off zombies from your barricade. Survive longer than a day by making use of the daylight hours effectively by:.Repairing your barricade.Searching for weapons.Looking for other survivors to help repair.Search and Defend the barricade. Features: - 20 Days & Nights of Game play -11 different. Get the supporter role in my Discord + Access to patreon only channels and posts. This role will (NOT) grant you access to our servers Giving a little is giving a lot, this tier is for if you want to support Last Stand Gamers without breaking the bank. I have been playing games for a number of. So make your stand with me. Current.400,000. Subscribers Goal 500,000 Subscribers We can do it:P Lets make Our stand together. Dark Rock 3 Silent CPU Cooler Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 7 Intel Z97.
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Here are some pictures of my Orks for my last game against Khorn Deamon kin.